Blog#4 Choosing Songs For 'ENERGY' Part 3/3 'Constructing a Set List'
Welcome to 'Energy's' 4th Blog. This weeks blog is the last of a series of three blogs considering how we choose the songs that we perform. The 1st blog of the series considered the 'Golden Rules' we use to choose songs to rehearse and perform, the 2nd was when you might make an exception to those rules. This weeks' is how constructing a setlist might affect your choice of songs. Mixing It Up Whenever we perform we typically play to a very eclectic audience that varies hugely in age. For example, many generations of a family are typically present at a wedding reception and all of them want to hear songs that they like and are familiar with. This means performing songs from a wide range of not just Era's but Genre's as well, ensuring everyone hears something that will encourage them to get up and dance. The following songs represent every decade from the 60s onwards and typically appear in our set list for most of our bookings. Twist & S...